Event Management
Brand Activations
Corporate Events & Conferences
Mentoring & Consultancy
Strategic Planning
Recent Projects

About Us

We believe that as a leader in event management in Queensland, we provide a service above and beyond the basic event management role.
We are a Brisbane based company, consisting of a small team of dedicated professionals that have managed large and small-scale events across the cultural, community, corporate and entertainment sectors.
Led by Wendy Lacey, TLC Events Co has been a leader spanning 30 years of experience, not only producing major events but also mentoring and consultancy for a variety of events in regional and city centres of Queensland.
TLC Events Co provides the full suite of event management services. For all our projects, we are involved from the original concept creation stage through to event execution and management.
We believe in results for our clients and ourselves. Our achievements are numerous with exceptional feedback on all occasions.
We are also proud to have transitioned our major clients to be more kind to the environment. Our events are now run in a sustainable way, with full compliance to compostable packaging and beverages linked to the Container for Change program.